
Wearable biometric sensing for any project


EmotiBit Scientific Validation Study

EmotiBit Scientific Validation Study

Check out this scientific validation study manuscript comparing EmotiBit to a gold standard physiological sensing device costing over $20,000! Spoiler alert: EmotiBit is AWESOME!

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Can EmotiBit Predict the Next Idol?

Can EmotiBit Predict the Next Idol?

Neuroscientists at University College London have been using EmotiBit to look at how audience biometrics react to collective experiences ranging from Aladdin’s first kiss to fierce soccer rivalries. In their project, Neurovision, they’ve begun taking the work a step farther to predict which movies will be a box office success, and now predict which idol […]

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Whose Team has the Best Fans?

Whose Team has the Best Fans?

That’s the question that researchers at University College London set out to answer! Using EmotiBit to measure a combination of physiological signals, researchers quantified how much excitement was generated by each team’s fans in an epic showdown between Liverpool and Man City. Follow EmotiBit on social to get the latest updates from the world of […]

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